Servomyces™ L50 – D50

Servomyces™ is a naturally enriched single-strain brewing yeast that is used as a biological yeast nutrient. The propagation and drying process of Servomyces™ has been specifically designed to accumulate a range of trace minerals and elements that are essential or limiting during alcoholic fermentation.


  • Can decrease fermentation time significantly.
  • Improves yeast sedimentation.
  • Stimulates uptake of maltose and maltotriose, depending on the brewing strain, which results in higher alcohol yields.
  • Stimulates protein synthesis and yeast growth which leads to higher biomass production during propagation.
  • Eliminates harsh sulphur notes and produces a smoother more balanced beer.

10 kg, 10g, 270 mg
Product DescriptionDocumentation


  • Faster Fermentation
  • Consistent fermentation
  • Supports adjunct and High gravity brewing


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