Alpha Acetolactate Decarboxylase ALDC™
Do you want to produce clean-tasting lager consistently? Do you want to decrease your tank turn-round time, save energy costs, and reduce your carbon footprint? Discover what ALDC can do for you.
Diacetyl is the rancid buttery flavor commonly associated with lagers due to their colder fermentation temperatures.
α-acetolactate is excreted by the yeast when synthesizing valine, an essential amino acid required for yeast biosynthesis. It is broken down into diacetyl, which is then reabsorbed by the yeast. This final step is governed by time and temperature.
The addition of ALDC at the start of fermentation allows the direct breakdown (decarboxylation) of α-acetolactate into flavorless acetoin and prevents the formation and normal metabolism of diacetyl by the yeast cell.
Let ALDC help you to produce clean, fresh-tasting lager again and again.
- Prevents hop creep (if pH conditions are optimum)
- Consistent clean flavor lager production
- Reduces energy (cold maturation / warm diacetyl stands)
- Increases tank turnaround times it will not remove diacetyl
More information
Representation of ALDC cellular interaction
Graph of diacetyl produced during fermentation with and without ALDC
Using ALDC will prevent the off-flavor diacetyl forming, negating the need for a diacetyl rest, reducing your conditioning time and your energy consumption, giving you brew after brew confidence in flavor quality.
Easily dose in the fermenter at the start of fermentation.
The ideal amount of ALDC to add is 1.6ml/hl. Underdosing will reduce the effectiveness. If you overdose you there will be no impact on beer quality, it will just cost you more!
ALDC must be stored cold in the fridge- do not freeze.
Diacetyl flavor can also be formed from bacterial infection and poor yeast health. Ensure you are using a well balance yeast food (such as yeast life extra) and keeping the plant clean.
ALDC is pH dependent and at low beer pH’s ALDC will not work as effectively therefore needing a higher dose rate.
For more information about ALDC, please contact our customer sales manager for AB Vickers products, Sarah Young, at syoung@lallemand.com. Our experts are ready to assist you with any questions you may have.