Webinar | Reading Time 1 minute
Aroma Potential of Hops and Malts
The Founder of Nyséos and aroma compound specialist Laurent Dagan joined us for a live broadcast on “Aroma Potential of Hops and Malts”.
In his presentation Laurent discusses the following:
– Thiol interest and their biogenesis
– Thiol potential in hops and malts along with some of Nyséos’ experiments
– Recent identification of SMM in hops that results in hoppy beer
– Challenges for beer aroma during aging and storage
Bio of Laurent Dagan
Dr. Laurent Dagan did his Ph.D studies on Aroma compounds and precursors in wines and in grapes at “UMR Sciences pour l’Oenologie (INRA – SUPAGRO).“ In 2007, he co-founded NYSEOS a private company specialized on aroma compounds analysis in the field of enology. After a first experience as homebrewer, and some months spent in San Diego, he contributed to diversificate the activity starting some projects in Brewing. In 2017, Laurent was appointed CEO and head of sales of the company. Since then, he has been in charge to enhance the process of technology transfer from research toward industry. NYSEOS aims to help winemakers and brewers to manage aroma beverages through the development of new uses of aroma information.
Published Sep 20, 2020 | Updated Jul 27, 2023