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Supporting homebrewers and commercial brewers alike

Supporting homebrewers and commercial brewers alike

When Andy from Beer Edge meets Andy from Lallemand Brewing.
These two Andys discuss the Lallemand homebrew business and the special relationship with homebrewers. This interview
was broadcast during a Lallemand-sponsored episode of Beer Edge – The Source For Beer News and Quality Content.

Andy from Beer Edge:
How important is the homebrewing audience to Lallemand?

Andy from Lallemand Brewing:
Massively important! First, everything we do for commercial on a yeast and bacteria side, we also do for homebrewers. Secondly, the buzz and the drive for lots of beer trends you see in commercial breweries come from the homebrewing initially. Homebrewers trying something new, trying something different, and it is picked up by commercial guys. It is funny actually as homebrewers very often are much more technically involved than maybe a commercial brewery would be.

Andy from Beer Edge:
When the company developed its WildBrew Philly Sour™ and LalBrew Verdant IPA™ products, it tested the yeasts with both commercial and homebrewing audiences. What is the value in getting feedback from homebrewers?

Andy from Lallemand Brewing:
It is very great from our perspective. Homebrewers’ feedback is very important to helping us provide all of them support after — the same way we do it for the craft brewers. We need data for both environments. Homebrewers are very focused on details, they have great kits, very good tanks, data logging so they can track fermentation. We’ve got very good and useful feedback from them.


Published May 31, 2022 | Updated Jul 11, 2023

Homebrew Update