HLP – Hsu’s Lactobacillus Pediococcus medium

HLP allows fast and simple testing for the most common beer spoiling bacteria. While differentiation and selective counting of Lactobacillus and Pediococcus can be performed after 5 days of incubation, many lactic acid bacteria can be detected in as little as 48 hours.  This medium presents several advantages over others: autoclaving is not required prior to utilization; anaerobic incubation is not required when using screw-cap tubes; minimal lab equipment and lab experience required.

For more information on DÖHLER GmbH, please visit their website: https://www.doehler.com/

For more information specifically on their DMD microbiological media: https://www.doehler.com/en/our-portfolio/integrated-solutions/service-solutions/culture-media-for-microbial-detection/dmdr-product-range/lmda-hlp.html

500g packs

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