Are you looking to improve the clarity of your beer and reduce maturation time? Discover what Protosol™ can do for you.
Protosol™ is a silica-sol based fining agent which can be used in the brewhouse to remove protein from wort, and at the end of fermentation to promote the sedimentation of yeast and protein particles, resulting in clearer, brighter beer.
- Reduces cold storage time
- Improves beer haze and colloidal stability
- Vegan friendly
- Shortens maturation times
- Increases vessel utilization.
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Mode of action
Protosol™ when added to beer crosslinks and traps haze-forming particles, allowing for faster sedimentation and quicker clarification. Effective at low addition rates, it boosts brewery throughput without investing in extra tank or filtration capacity, reduces energy consumption, shortens maturation times, and increases vessel utilization.
Protosol™ offers a straightforward and economical solution to refine your brewing process, delivering consistently clear beer while optimizing your production efficiency
Optimization is crucial to ensuring you are using the correct addition rate. Too low and clarity is compromised, to high and sediment levels increase significantly causing unnecessary beer losses.
With Protosol™, you’re improving clarity and optimizing the brewing process to achieve consistent, quality and increase efficiency.
Protosol™ complexes with haze-causing particles increasing their size, leading to faster sedimentation and quicker clarification.
This specialized colloidal silica sol works effectively even at low addition rates, allowing you to boost your brewery’s throughput without investing in additional tank or filtration capacity.
Protosol ™ should be stored at cool ambient temperatures. It should not be stored colder than 4C.
For wort clarification it should be added at the start of whirlpooling or on transfer to the whirlpool. For beer clarification, Protosol™ should be added at the end of fermentation
Each beer and brewing process is unique. Please click here for our optimization best practice.
No Protosol™ won’t affect the flavor of the beer when recommended addition rates are adhered to.
For more information about Protosol™, please contact our Product Manager for AB Vickers, Sarah Young, at syoung@lallemand.com.